Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mission 021: Code One

Well it’s finally here! Code One has been released under the new banner of

You can find the rules and army builder there as well, and they’ve released apps for the Android and iOS stores too.

Code One represents a pretty big departure from the norm for Infinity, with a lot of new stuff, streamlined rules, new profiles, etc. We’ll be taking a more general look at Infinity from a higher level this month instead of our usual dive into something specific.

Don’t worry though, we’ll be back to some more specific, focused missions in the months to come! Also, please provide feedback about what missions you’d like to see, things you’re having trouble with on the table, things you want to try out, etc.

The Mission

This month, we’re going to have TWO ways to win prizes!

  • Painting Contest – Paint any ONE miniature you can use in Code One.
  • Play Code One – Get a game in on Tabletop Simulator, especially if you’re on lockdown!

I’ll treat these as two separate prize pools, so

you can enter both and win twice!

Again, you’re looking at a blister of your choice or a Bromad Academy patch, whichever you prefer.

Painting Contest Rules

  1. Start a new model, please don’t share it on social media till the end of the month!
  2. Take a picture of the model before you start (primed or starting to be base coated is fine, just not finished).
  3. Send up to 4 photos (not including the start photo) to [email protected].

Playing Code One Rules

  • Get a responsible game of Code One in. That means Tabletop Simulator if you’re on COVID-19 lockdown. If you’re lucky enough to be quarantined with another Infinity player, first of all, no one likes a bragger, but go ahead and get a game in with them!
  • Write in with your thoughts to [email protected].
  • Here are some examples of feedback we’re looking for:
    • Any new rules interactions that caught you by surprise.
    • How new profiles or new weapons/equipment performed for you on the table?
    • Will you play Code One as a separate game in addition to N3/N4?
    • What did you like/nerd rage about Code One?
  • We don’t need a battle report, but if you choose to submit one, please fill out and share the following Google Docs template with [email protected]. Feel free to insert pictures directly into your Google Docs report before sharing.

If you need help with Tabletop Simulator, I must direct to you VaulSC and his excellent YouTube Video. It’s long but it’ll teach you what you need to know!

It’s quite functional, as you can see from my battle report here, where I give my initial, very rough, impressions:

If you’d like to check out Adam and my initial thoughts, check out the video below! Battle report on coming soon.

That’s it! Stay safe, stay sane, Bromads!

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