Painting Entries 020: Branding
Chris (burlesford)
Here’s my entry, an Anaconda sponsored by Microsoft. I thought “What shitty company would sponsor a shitty TAG like the Anaconda – well, probably Microsoft.” And if the Anaconda had to choose from an MOS as well, she would probably be sponsored by the worst Microsoft operating system that ever existed, Microsoft ME 😉
Michal (Majkhel)
Databanker civilian HVT with Avalon Telecom-branded suitcase.
Avalon Telecom’s logo I got from the “Hypercorps” sourcebook of Infinity the RPG.
Sadly nothing more was provided for this particular corporation in terms of background apart from that it’s based in Newton, NeoTerra, is New Zealand ethnic, belongs to Phoenix Industries and is (surprise!) from Telecommunications area.
Jordan (Obyiscus)
The branding may be subtle, but the Canadian viewers in particular should recognize the distinct piece of apparel.
Brian (MöNKeDBrian)
Swiss Guard Hacker conversion, he’s representing the Schneider and QUENCH SUPREME corporations from Armored Core VI, advertising lightweight Armored Core parts and cactus flavored Coral-based energy drinks!
QUENCH SUPREME is not liable for any giant mushroom hallucinations or strange female voices in your head. The HMG is modified to spray QUENCH SUPREME.