Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rose City Raid 2018: The Results


Here’s what everyone really wants to know, the big results of the Rose City Raid! We had an amazing showing, and some very close games, which you can see by how close the scores all are.

The Top Three

It was a hard fought battle this weekend, over 5 rounds, with some very tricky scenarios and terrain to make it through, but someone had to come out on top!



Avanst (1st Place)

Hailing from the great white north, Adam took Portland by storm and went undefeated to win the Rose City Raid 2018. With first access to the prize pile, not only did Adam take home the first place trophy and ITS: Treason pack, but also snuck out with a pack of PanO TAGs, and the much coveted Dolly Dagger patch!



Gaffles (2nd Place)

Another from the territories above, Aaron blasted through the competition, scoring the second place trophy, a gaming mat, and the Johnny-5 patch for the Kurage Crisis.



Zhukov2 (3rd Place)

Finishing off the top 3 was Tony, from Seattle, WA. Seen here with a smile, while carrying his third place trophy, a Blackjack with HMG, and an Aleph patch, also from the Kurage Crisis.


Overall Rankings

Rank Name TP OP VP
1 Avanst 11 36 1062
2 Gaffles 11 35 764
3 Zhukov2 10 35 964
4 nehemiah 10 33 1230
5 Exile 10 33 1132
6 yoink101 10 30 985
7 norsecompass 10 27 702
8 HalfJacKz 9 33 561
9 NervousDrip 8 32 962
10 YueFei23 8 29 879
11 Ignovus 8 26 931
12 Deklar 8 26 807
13 jackfrost 8 26 706
14 Zelaponeepus 8 26 644
15 derbrizon 8 21 719
16 raindog 7 29 745
17 zagdag 6 27 752
18 Grimalkin 6 25 701
19 SimpleKnight 6 20 797
20 Burl 5 24 403
21 Nico 5 22 778
22 daemonelf 5 18 709
23 Gremlin King 5 16 293
24 twinmasks 4 16 690
25 Hecaton 4 15 646
26 Caitlandia 3 17 625
27 sgt. rock 3 12 716
28 jack5353 2 11 393
29 muskrat 1 8 520
30 George 0 4 309

Jon is going to take home the full data, round-by-round, and write an article on the results, so keep an eye on that in the future!



Dire States Results

Rank State/Province Players TP OP VP
1 British Columbia 4 9.75 32.5 773.25
2 Arizona 1 8 32 962
3 California 5 8 26.6 909.4
4 Washington 9 6.44 21.89 649.56
5 Kansas 1 6 25 701
6 Utah 1 5 18 709
7 Oregon 9 4.78 19.67 696.33


 Our guest announcer, she did a good job, but mumbled a bit.

Our guest announcer, she did a good job, but mumbled a bit.

Other Awards

In addition to awards for playing at the Rose City Raid, we also had a couple special awards to reward the creative efforts of our players.




Wooden Spoon Award

A special shout out to George Spencer, who was not only an incredible sportsman through the whole event, but also the recipient of our first Wooden Spoon award! To give him a better shot at placing higher in the event next year, the wooden spoon also came with a 300-point Tohaa boxed army, because they win everything, right?




Best Painted

This year, I forbade Obadiah from competing for Best Painted, so instead I made him judge it! We had a lot of beautiful armies, but Grimalkin took home the gold for his NCA army.



Best Table

To encourage people to bring their best game tables, we naturally had to give a sweet beer stein trophy for it! I recused myself from the voting, and participating, but we did a weighted average vote from non-participants, to determine a winner. This year, YueFei23 took home the award, with his amazing Big Trouble, Little China board, complete with the Porkchop Express.


That’s a wrap!

Man, what a crazy weekend. Part of me is glad it’s all over, but at the same time I’m really excited to get started planning for next year. We’ve got some great ideas in store to ensure it will be an even more impressive and memorable event!