Sunday, January 26, 2025

Mission 041: Hold Me Back!

Thanks to last month’s participants! You can check out their reports here!


I’ve been playing a lot of Steel Phalanx lately, and what’s really become clear to me is that each named character hits like a big rig with no brakes.

Citation de BOB KELSO À J D (personnage de fiction) : répliques et dialogues de BOB KELSO À J D
“Like a big rig with no brakes” – Bob Kelso

You can really shape your opponent’s deployment by deploying a named character or two, just threatening particular avenues of advance. The problem though is that if your opponent can see it coming, they probably can figure out a way to blunt or stop your attack. So don’t let them see it coming! This month’s mission is all about holding things in reserve so you give away less information about where your key attack pieces or even ARO pieces will be coming from.

If you’re interested in reading more about my adventures with Steel, check ’em out here:

The Mission

  1. Play a game where you go first!
  2. Hold back (in reserve) at least two things. This means more than just Proxies, ALEPH players!
  3. Write in with your experience for the chance to win fabulous prizes!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don’t play Nomads, can I still submit? — Yes! All factions are welcome!
  • Can I submit from <X> country? — Yes! We take submissions from anywhere in the world, and will ship prizes anywhere you can get mail!
  • Are TableTop Simulator games valid? — Yes! Stay safe out there!

How to Submit

  • Let us know how you did by writing in to [email protected]!
  • We’re accepting submissions until the last day of January, 2022!
  • If you’re going to write a battle report, please use the battle report template below, and share it with [email protected].
  • If you don’t want to write a battle report, that’s okay. Some prose capturing your thoughts and experiences is also acceptable!

If you share the Google doc with me, that saves me TONS of time handling the images. If you can, please avoid sending me a MS Word or LibreOffice file, and just click the “share” button in Google Docs. Sending me a file will get you caught by my spam filter!

As a thank you for participating, you’ll be entered to win a blister of your choice, shipped to your door by Mythic Games!

If you’d prefer a Bromad Academy patch, we can mail that to you instead! You only get one or the other though.

Winners will be selected by, because it’s AWESOME…

And that’s it! Good hunting, and stay safe out there!

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